Friday, July 4, 2008

Dog Bless American

Proud to be an American, born and bred Boxer

I kicked off my Fourth of July Holiday by traveling south of the Mason Dixon line to West Friendship, MD, to compete in the Northeastern Maryland Kennel Club dog show.

The ceremony began with a lovely, live performance of the National Anthem which sent chills up my spine. From my snoot to my toot, I stood at full attention. During my routine in the ring, I kept my stub completely erect, giving the judge the ol' one tail salute, indicating that I am confident and ready to kick some boxer butt.

Although I only took second place in my class, Grammy Lee was very pleased, as were M & D. And while a blue ribbon for the fridge would have been nicer, I achieved my goal of bringing home a second-place red, in keeping with the holiday theme. Before you know it, I'll be on Katandy's Rising Stars Web page. Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. I am listed there!
After the show party highlights

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