Sunday, November 8, 2009

Out of the closet

Unfortunately, I once again find myself apologizing for not updating the blog more often. Among other activities, Roger and I have been very busy with Dog Scouts. I won't go into all of our upcoming activities, however, we are going to be bell ringers for the Salvation Army on December 12 at the local Wal-mart in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. We hope you'll drop by to help sweeten the pot. 

With Roger approaching legal drinking age later this month (November 19), I thought that perhaps he might be starting to question his sexuality and decided to come out of the closet. After asking Rog, he told me that the only closet he decided to come out of was a broom closet. As it turns out, he only did so because Dawdy Dawg had given him a "timeout" in the closet for constantly leaving his toys lay around the house, and his only salvation was to "come out" and dust and sweep the entire house before Mom got home from work. 

After getting off the phone with Puppies & Youth Services, Rog seemed rather dejected to learn that there are no labor laws preventing parents from having their children perform work in the household -- even when it involves wearing a silly French maid uniform. Although I'm not sure that he has a little leg to stand on, he's considering asking the Law School's Civil Rights Appellate Clinic to review his case.


Anonymous said...

Wrong...soooooo wrong

Anonymous said...

My boy! You should NOT have to put up with this abuse!

Aunt Lisa
xxx ooo