Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Chillin' and Grillin' in the OBX

After thanking my Uncle Denny and Uncle Craig for their service to our country, we spent the day chillin' on the beach and around the pool and grillin' burgers and dogs with Dad and Uncle Mike. Not a bad day and one that I wouldn't mind repeating the rest of the week.

Come on! I hear the beach calling me.

I'm not sure if it's Thelma Lou's good looks or Roger's crab chasing that makes us so memorable, but we've become celebrities in the OBX with many vacationers and permanent residents stopping by our campsite to catch up on our latest adventures. 

Chillin' by the Pool

While hanging by the pool we often play some impromptu game that my Uncle Dave leads. This afternoon we practiced our "leave it" commands and bobbed for bite-size Red Barn treats placed on the first step of the pool. The first one brave enough to find and retrieve the treat was the winner. Thelma Lou easily took the Gold.

A quick paw check before the nose dive

Now for the nose dive

Practicing our "Leave its" 

Tantalizing Tempting

Land shark invades pool party

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