Newman: Ok, Pumpkin head, I'll take the bait. Enlighten me as to what is scarier than I am.
Roger: Well, for starters Scary Movie is scary!
Newman: Duh!
Roger: And then there's the melt down on Wall Street.
Newman:Sure, but we're young enough that we can ride that out. I just hope our 529 Educational Funds don't tank so that we can afford the first-rate education at Penn State Law that we deserve.Roger: Do you know what else is scary, Dude?
Newman: No, enlighten me, O wise one.
Roger: All too often we take things in life for granted – like expecting blood to be available for us when we most desperately need it. Eventually, there will be a time when you or a loved one are faced with needing blood. And, with Howl-o-ween upon us, the possibily of a vampire draining our blood in the middle of the night is greater than any other time of the year.
Newman: Hey, Bat-Pig, I know it's Howl-o-ween, and you are a distant relative of the blood-sucking vampire. But, what are you trying to do? Scare the daylights out of everyone!
Roger: No. All I'm saying is that there is nothing scarier than a shortage of blood! Whether it be human or canine. And, we can do our part by helping our friend Wyatt become the blood donor SpokesDog for America that he aspires to be.
Newman: We beg of you to help put Wyatt's "mug" on the cover of a Milk-Bone box to relay the message of how important it is to donate blood, both human and canine.
Please take a minute to visit and vote for Wyatt to help him carry out his mission to become Milk-Bone's SpokesDog for America.
Wyatt's Mission to Save Lives!
Wyatt and his Mom, Dr. Jacqueline
My mom, Dr. Jacqueline, is a veterinarian and I help her save other dogs' lives by donating blood every 7 weeks at the Eastern Veterinary Blood Bank. Becoming the SpokesDog for Milk-Bone will allow me to spread the word to millions of dogs about the importance of donating blood!
In order to fulfill my dream of spreading the word as far as possible, I need to become the Milk-Bone SpokesDog. And, the only way I can do that is with help from YOU! Please vote for me, Wyatt, every day from now until November 18 by visiting
For more information about canine blood donations visit the Eastern Veterinary Blood Bank.
Thank you from the bottom of my blood-pumping heart!