Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sick as a dog

As many of you know, earlier this month some kind of bug bit me in the butt - most likely a tick - and knocked my socks off. Ok, I did not literally lose my socks, but I was "sick as a dog."

At first Mom thought that I might have been suffering from a case of nerves since I was supposed to compete in a big dog show that weekend. Granted, it wasn't Westminster but there were 80 boxers registered to compete, including my sister Marla, my half-sister Samantha, and my Aunt Kandi.

After 24 hours of lying around the house listless and showing no interest in eating let alone chasing my bat-pig brother, M&D agreed that I needed to pay a visit to the doctor. So, rather than getting all buffed up for the show, we headed to the vet to be poked and prodded which revealed that I was running a fever and had the start of an infection.

After receiving fluids, antibiotics, and an inflammatory injection, I felt much better in a couple of hours. However, Mom, Dad, and Grammy Lee all agreed that it was best for me to stay home and recuperate. After all, I'm still a baby and have the rest of my life to compete.

In any event, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say "Thanks" to everyone for their prayers and "Get Well" wishes! I'm sure that they played a much bigger part in my speedy recovery than Roger's dim-witted idea of chanting spells with Dodger, his evil identical twin brother, to ward off any wicked spirits that may have inhabited my soul.

Roger and his evil twin brother, Dodger

In return for your consideration, I'd like to share some photos submitted by my faithful followers to help lift my spirits. Thanks again and enjoy!

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