Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Monsters on a Leash

I know that many of you are wondering about my performance in the match yesterday sponsored by the Chambersburg Area Kennel Club. Well, unfortunately, it was a wash out!

When I woke Mom at 6 a.m. for first call, it was raining "cats and dogs." Dad suggested that we go back to bed and assess the situation in two hours. Fast forward two hours - still a torrential down pour. So, my idea of bringing home a "Best in Show" from the match for a Mother's Day present was foiled. So, what now, I thought?

Well, I heard Mom talking with her co-workers about one of her favorite meals which en'tail'ed lobster Newman-burg, so I sent Dad on a mission to find the biggest, best lobster in the world for Mom! He returned with a 2 pounder for Mom and a 5 pounder for himself.

So as a good and faithful husband and dedicated Dad, he used my weekly allowance to purchase two lobsters so big, that when they arrived, I thought they were company for dinner NOT dinner itself!

And, since I couldn't perform at the CAKC match because of weather, M & D decided to line me up with my crustascean cousins for practice. Needless to say, I took "Best on Bench."

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